Dr.Samuel Thampi, specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of various chronic pain disorders.
The focus of the treatment is finding the cause of the pain, secondly to offer a plan which includes Interventional techniques of nerve block along with an opiate sparing regimen (use of non-opiate pain medications) and injections along with Physical therapy and Psychological evaluation when indicated.
The goal of our treatment approach is to relieve pain and restore function and embrace life.
Samuel P. Thampi, M.D.
He completed his residency training in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at St.Vincent’s Hospital Med. Ctr in New York,N.Y. and Pain Management Fellowship at Georgia Pain Physicians (Emory University) Atlanta,Ga.
He is double board certified in PhysicalMedicine and Rehabilitation and PainManagement.
He is currently an Interventional PainSpecialist at
Kingsbrook Jewish MedicalCenter in Brooklyn, NY.
St. Catherine MedCtr in Smithtown, NY.
New York Hospital Queens in Queens, NY.
North Shore Plainview Hospital, Plainview, NY
He has published several peer reviewed articles and chapters in text books.
He is also the co-author of the book 'Life Your Life Pain Free'.
Patient Safety in Interventional Pain Procedures. Thampi SP, Rehkala V. Vontobel T. Nukula V. Physical Medicine Clinics of North America. May 2012; pp 423-32.
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in Chronic Pain. Stamatos JM, MD, Kechejian P, MD, Forde G, MD, Thampi SP, MD. Pain Free. Magni Publications 2005; pp 119-160.
Revision of Fusion from Spine to the Sacropelvis. Margulies JY, M.D, Ph.D., Edouard F. Armour, M.D., Samuel P. Thampi, M.D., Margulies JY (ed), Revisions in Spine Surgery. Mosby Publications 1998; pp 623-630.
Substitution of Transpedicular Screws by Hook-Claws: A Biomechanical Model. Margulies JY, M.D, Ph.D., Samuel P. Thampi, M.D, D. Chattar-Cora, M.D, The Journal of Spinal Disorders, Lippincott-Raven Publishers.Vol. 11.No.1. 1998; pp 36 -40.
Biomechanical Considerations in Failed Spines. Margulies JY, M.D, Ph.D., Samuel P. Thampi, M.D, D. Chattar-Cora, M.D. Spine State of Art Review.Vol.11 No.3. 1997; pp 453-465.
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. Pathology, Diagnosis and Treatment. Fabien D. Bitan, M.D, Joseph Y. Margulies, M.D, Ph.D., Samuel P Thampi, M.D, Deowall Chattar-Cora, M.D, Spine State of Art Review.Vol.11 No.3. 1997; pp 539-597.
Practical Biomechanical Considerations in Spinal Implant Testing. Margulies JY, M.D, Ph.D., Samuel P. Thampi, M.D, D. Chattar-Cora, M.D., Polish Orthopedic Journal. Vol 64 (3). 1999; pp 347-64.
Surgical options in management of Cervical disc disease. Robert E. Windsor, MD, Dennis White, DO., Samuel Thampi, MD, chapter in Emedicine Sports medicine section 2001.
Effects of Transverse Connectors on Rotational Stiffness in a Vertebrectomy Model. Margulies JY, M.D, Ph.D., Samuel P. Thampi, M.D, D Chattar-Cora, M.D, submitted to the European Spine Journal, Switzerland.
The Role Anterior Spinal Plates as Anterior Column Support. Margulies JY, M.D, Ph.D., Samuel P. Thampi, M.D, D. Chattar-Cora, M.D., submitted to Spine, Lippincott-Raven publishers
Tension-Band Designed Constructs Applied In Compression and Torsion. Margulies JY, M.D, Ph.D., Samuel P. Thampi, M.D, D. Chattar-Cora, M.D, submitted to Spine, Lippincott-Raven publishers.
Lumbar Facet Joint Innervation: Robert Windsor, MD, Samuel Thampi, MD, Frank J. King et al, in Pain Physician, 2002, 5 (4): 347-357.
Lateral Rectus Palsy- Following Drug Administration System placement. A Case Report, Samuel Thampi, MD and Robert Windsor, MD, in Pain Physician 2004, 7 (1): 119-121
Migrating Drug Administration System: An Atypical cause of Meralgia Paresthetica- A Case Report, Samuel Thampi, MD and Robert Windsor, MD.in Pain Physician 2003, 6 (4): 495-497.
Weight Lifting. Robert Windsor, MD., Samuel Thampi, MD, Frank King et al, Spine and Sports, Ted A. Lennard, MD and Carabtree HM (ed). Elsevier Mosby 2005; pp 95-112.
Laser Assisted Zygapopyseal Rhizotomy (LAZAR), in the treatment of intractable Lumbar Facet Arthritis. Sri Kantha, M.D. and Samuel Thampi, M.D. presented at the British Pain Society Meeting at London, April 2000.
Role of FIM graph in displaying trend in functional Status. Samuel P. Thampi, M.D. Julian Sosner, M.D., presented at Annual Meeting of American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at San Francisco, November 2000.
Trend in Functional independence available methods and role of FIM graph: Samuel P. Thampi, M.D. J.Sosner, M.D., presented at Annual Meeting of Am. Academy of Physical Med and Rehab. at New Orleans, November 2001.
Prevalence of Low Vision in Patients Admitted to In-patient Rehabilitation Unit-a pilot study. Samuel Thampi, M.D, Lakshmi Murali, M.D, presented at the Annual Meeting of American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at San Francisco, November 2000.
Cement Augmentation of Suture Anchor Fixation in Osteoporotic Bone: Its Effect on Pullout Strength (abstract). Jonathan Nissanoff, M.D., Samuel P. Thampi, M.D, D Chatter Cora, M.D, presented at the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons meeting at New Orleans, 1998.
Stiffness of Anterior Spinal Plates in Compression and Torsion (abstract). Margulies JY M.D, Ph.D., SA Caruso, M.E, Samuel P. Thampi, M.D, D Chatter Cora M.D, TR Haher, M.D., presented at The Scoliosis Research Society meeting at St. Louis, 1997.
Tension-Band Designed Constructs' Stability Applied In Compression and Torsion (abstract). Margulies JY, M.D., Ph.D., Samuel P. Thampi, M.D, D Chatter Cora, M.D, TR Haher, M.D., presented at The Scoliosis Research Society meeting at St. Louis, 1997.